Child Support

We offer to both custodial and non-custodial parents

Child Support in Texas

Get control of the situation in a way that benefits you and preserves the best interests of your children

Child support is a necessary component of a divorce decree. It is also suggested when parents are unmarried. It ensures that the children have what they need.

There are a lot of family law attorneys available.

Call us today for a consultation - (713) 397-2278

Establishing Financial Support Arrangements

An amount of child support is typically determined by reviewing the income of the paying parent.

A dollar amount is determined by the court based on these numbers.

Once the support order is in place, an account is set up for the receiving parent to receive the funds.

In some cases, parents are able to determine an appropriate amount of support with the assistance of their family law attorneys. If you and your child’s other parent want to make your own agreement, I can help you with the process. Both parents and their attorneys will need to get together to negotiate terms.

Once the terms are agreed upon by both parents, I can move forward with making the agreement a formal court order.

Support can only be obtained if paternity is established. If you have not established paternity or may not know where the other parent resides, I can help you with that process as well.

Medical Support

I will help you understand how medical support works and make sure that your child has the coverage that he or she needs.

In Texas, medical support is an additional cost on top of financial support.

This includes the payment of health insurance costs plus any out-of-pocket costs.

Changing a Support Agreement

I understand that a child’s needs can change and a parent’s financial situation can also change.

In this case, it may be ideal to consider a child support modification Texas.

A modification can only be entertained if it has been 3 years since the last calculation of support was done or if child support payment would change by $100 or 20%.

Enforcing a Support Order

When support payments aren’t being made, give me a call.

We’ll get the ball rolling on enforcing the support agreement.

Not all options of enforcement require a trip to court.

I Help Dads and Non-Custodial Parents Too

I help parents on both sides of financial support issues.

If you are a dad that is paying an unfair amount or needs more visitation – let’s chat.

I’m even here for those that are experiencing financial hardship and can’t make their support payments.

Changes in your situation that affect your means to pay support are required to be done quickly. In Texas, non-payment of support can result in jail time. It’s considered to be a serious crime and I want to help you prevent a complete disaster.

I will work hard to ensure that the needs of your children are met. I will make the process as painless and drama-free as possible.

When you sift through child support lawyers near me, take a look at what my previous clients have said about their experiences. It may also be important to find child support lawyers near me to compare customer service skills to. Call me, Sandra Fuentez of the Fuentez Law, PLLC at (713) 397-2278 to schedule a consultation regarding your financial support needs.

Sandra Fuentez has been successful in catering to my needs and goals regarding matters of family law. She is experienced and methodical. I would recommend Sandra’s services to anyone who is looking to navigate the waters of family law.

~ J.E., a satisfied former client of Fuentez Law

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